RELEASE 53#. |
A statistical analysis of the 2002-03 Federal Coalition Budget for
Education is available on the Statistics page.
A perusal of Table 7 of the Budget Paper No. 1, page 6.18 and
using pupil population statistics reveals:
- Private Church Schools will come in first in the funding stakes in
2003-04 and by 2005-06 they will be way ahead of government schools and even universities.
Vocational Education increases are marginal only
Consider the following:
- Private Church Schools will receive $5.091 billion per annum by 2005-06
(to ensure 30% of the pupil population receive the first class ticket to heaven and
the good job)
- Government Schools will receive $2.545 billion per annum by 2005-06 ( to
ensure the other 70% learn to know their place as hewers of wood and carriers of
water (Menzies))
- Universities will receive $4.329 billion per annum by 2005-06 (not
enough to ensure our Australian universities keep up with world class standards - let
alone provide opportunities for ALL our young)
- Vocational and other education will receive $1.457billion by 2005-06 (this
is all the Coalition thinks our TAFE Colleges are worth!)
In per capita terms ,
- in 2002-03 a private church school pupil is worth $3,942.5 while
- a government school pupil is worth only $954.1
- By 2005-06, a private church school pupil will be worth $4,991.6 while
- a government school pupil is worth only $1132.0
- Thus in the year 2002-03, a private church school pupil is worth 4.1
times more to theCoalition government than a government school pupil.
Forget about the Howard/Costello Government. What more can one expect
from a government which has clawed its way back into power with irresponsible expenditure
of our taxes together with the politics of fear.
Government School Supporters should be asking ALP Federal Members a few
hard questions:
- Why did the ALP let the States Schools Grants Act - and its Amendments go
through the Senate?
- The ALP is threatening to block parts of the Budget in the Senate: Will
they allow this astonishing funding of the private church school sector to pass once again
through the Federal parliament?
- The ALP is bleating about the Coalition taking from the poor and disabled
to give to the rich. What else is this astonishing diversion of education funding from
poor government schools to wealthy private ones?
- When did the last "poor parish school" die?
- Is the best way to get funding into schools to permit religious men to
run them?
- Is it responsible to permit religious men to duplicate State School
facilities to the tune of $5 billion of taxpayers money?
- Is it responsible to permit religious men to dominate funding of a
national education system along religious and class lines when the track record of priests
and religious orders is fraught with allegations of abuse of children in both
Australia and overseas?
- What happened to Church -State Separation ? Has it become the greatest
myth of all in this troubled country of ours?
For further information on the Budget look at future News
Releases and our Statistics Page.
If you have a message for
supporters of public education:
Please Contact:
Ray Nilsen on
(03) 9326 9277 or Fax: (03) 9326 9180 |
Postal address:
P.O. BOX 4869
Melbourne Victoria Australia 3001 |
Or complete our feedback form. |
Last modified:Monday, 25 April 2005 |