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Public School supporters and taxpayers should be asking some very strong questions about the current turmoil in the central bureaucracy.

Minister Kosky and her advisers, unable to solve real educational and funding problems are once again "restructuring" and "decentralising" our public education system. Once again the central administration which is vital to the servicing of our schools, particularly those in the country and disadvantaged areas is being put on the boil as public servants are looking at forced redundancies.

 There is nothing new about all this. DOGS have watched politicians destabilising what was once a proud, committed public school administration attacked again and again since 1978 while private church school bureaucracies have mushroomed in both size and political clout, - not to mention public funding     

So, just what is going on in Victoria in 2003?

Why has Kim Bannikoff, Director of Schools in the Victorian Government's Department of Education and Training resigned   after less than six months in the job?

Why did Jennifer Westacott, the Departmental Chief, resign after less than four months in the job? Why did Minister Kosky remove the previous departmental chiefs - Rhodes Scholar Stuart Hamilton, as Departmental Secretary, and Michael White, as Director of Schools?    

Why has Howard Kelly, resigned?

Who is this  Grant Hehir who, according to the Education Times, (the PRAVDA of the Education Department) July 17, 2003, p.5  says :

"In my previous roles with the Department of Treasury and Finance, Victoria, and Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victoria, I had the opportunity to be involved in significant policy debate....I am committed to employee development and while at the Department of Treasury and Finance I was program sponsor for the accounting and finance graduate program.I derive great enjoyment from watching the graduates capabilities and confidence grow and value their contribution to embedding VPS Management reforms across the Department.

I also led the introduction of upward and 180 degree feedback process to the department . These initiatives encouraged and fostered an avenue for open feedback and aim to develop a culture of trust and excellence in people management....

In regard to policy the department's executive comprising myself and the four directors work together in leading the implementation of the government's agenda for education and training. This is about ensuring well designed, well managed and well taught programs and curricula that contribute to improved outcomes to all students.

I see my role as providing leadership for the department as a whole and ensuring that strategic direction of all elements of the departments are aligned with the government's vision for achieving excellence in Victoria's education and training system. "

If you read the above from this Treasury appointee you might be able to understand why so many educationists have resigned.

The Treasury is still run by Mr Kennett's New Right ideologues and Mr Brumby is party to it.

So what is Mr Brumby's   former Treasury official's VISION ? And how many Treasury officials have been appointed to key positions in the regional education offices? How many educationists in the system would resign rather than be party to the ex-Treasury Officials visions of cost cutting?


If you have a message for supporters of public education:

Please Contact:
Ray Nilsen  on
(03) 9326 9277 or (03) 9329 8483
Postal address:
P.O. BOX 4869
Melbourne Victoria Australia 3001
Or complete our feedback form.
Last modified:Wednesday, 10 August 2005