Worried about Privatisation of Medicare? The Lib-Labs have been Privatising Public Education by stealth for 50 Years

Press Release 660

Privatisation of Medicare by the Liberal Government has become part of the Labor Party campaign. But nobody dares to talk about the ongoing privatisation of public education, particularly in Victoria.

For this might open up the REAL funding problem, namely, State Aid pouring with no strings attached into private schools that duplicate and undermine our cash-strapped public school facilities.

City Schools for City Kids

Press Release 658

Parents have always had to make a lot of noise and develop political clout in order to obtain, maintain, and save their public schools. Even middle class inner city parents are discovering this. They are on the move. DOGS received this email from the City Schools for City Kids group.

Parent Power: Demanding Public Schools for Inner Melbourne

Press Release 657

For decades, it was assumed that people, couples and children would not live in inner Melbourne. Schools would no longer be necessary. They closed most of the schools inherited from previous generations. Short-sighted, crazy Kennett led the charge, and in the case of Richmond secondary college, local parents and teachers (not the union and certainly not Trades Hall) saved the school.

Public Schools Beware Hedge Funds and the Charter School Movement

Press Release 656

International Capital - Hedge Funds are wandering the world for a safe profit making haven. Public school systems are fair game. In the USA they have invented the Charter School movement.

Public school supporters in Australia and especially members of public school Councils in Australia should beware hedge funds bearing gifts.

Birmingham and Turnbull and looking to the UK and America for models of privatisation.

The Victorian Education Budget: A Moveable Feast of Figures

Press Release 654

DOGS, as usual, discover that Government Budget papers are designed to obfuscate rather than inform taxpaying citizens.
How much is Public Education worth to the Victorian government – really?

The Age, April 27 claims that the 2016 Victorian Government funding budget provides $1.1 billion for education. The Australian April 28 mentions $924 million and the Treasurer at https://www.budget.vic.gov.au/priority/education-state says :
$747 million from the start of the 2016 year .